2024 summer learning opportunities at MHS
The Marion High School summer session gives students the chance to recover credits needed to graduate, but it also allows students to get ahead on core classes and gain flexibility in their schedule moving forward.
Senior Summer School (credit recovery)
What: Senior credit recovery (Edmentum)
Who: Classes are open only to members of the Class of 2024. Only courses needed to fulfill minimum graduation requirements are available.
When: 9 to 11:45 a.m. Tuesday, May 28, through Friday, May 31.
Attendance policy: Attendance is required every day to access these courses.
Transportation: Available upon request.
Free meals: breakfast: 8:40 to 9 a.m.; lunch: 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
>> To sign up, see Mrs. Gay in Student Services.
Underclass Summer School
What: Marion High School has a variety of onsite classes available. All classes are in-person at Marion High School, whether live taught or using Edmentum. No virtual options are available.
Who: For incoming 10th- through 12th-graders
When: Monday through Thursday from June 3-18. Morning classes will run from 9 to 11:45 a.m., and afternoon classes will run from 12:30 to 3:15 p.m. Students can sign up for a class in the morning session, afternoon session, or both.
Attendance policy: Students are allowed to miss only one day of a summer school class. Any additional absences would lead to removal from the class and inability to recover the credit.
Transportation: Available upon request.
Free meals: breakfast: 8:40 to 9 a.m.; lunch: 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Classes* available:
Morning session:
- Algebra 1-1
- Algebra 2-1
- Geometry 1-1
- English 9-1
- World History 1-1
- Biology 1-1
- Algebra 1-2
- Algebra 2-2
- English 9-2
- World History 1-2
- Biology 1-2
How to register:
>> Click here
- Call 765-664-9051, ext. 7004.
PE waiver
Summer participation in JROTC, band, athletics, or select other activities may count toward your PE credit if a waiver is completed and turned in to Student Services. (NOTE: This may be available at MHS for incoming 9th-graders. Call 765-664-9051, ext. 7004 for information.)
Please see your school counselor if you have questions about your credits earned/needed, class scheduling for fall, or any other assistance needed.
Other summer learning opportunities