About JROTC » Cadet Chain of Command

Cadet Chain of Command

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There are many jobs in JROTC:
Battalion Commander: The commander and most senior cadet is in charge of everything in the battalion. Usually, a Battalion Commander holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. The requirements for the position are amazing leadership abilities and the ability to set the example for all cadets. The Senior Army Instructor will choose cadets for this position.
Command Sergeant Major: In charge of all the NCOs and the representative of the enlisted personal. They make sure the enlisted cadets are being treated fairly and can get the job that the officers give them done when they are needed. They are masters of Drill and ceremony. He should be able to instruct cadets on the various Drill commands
Executive Officer: The second in command of the battalion is in charge of staff and anything that the staff is in charge of. The Executive Officer normally holds the rank of Major. The requirements for the position are amazing leadership skills and the ability to set the example for all cadets and cope with a lot of stress. The Senior Army Instructor will choose cadets for this position.
Adjutant Officer (S1): The leader of everything to do with information on the cadets and in charge of making sure that names, ranks, gender, etc., of each cadet is inputted into the JUMS system.
Security Officer (S2): In charge of the well-being of the cadets and other delicate material and making sure it is all accounted for.
Operations Officer (S3): The leader of all operations is in charge of important events, including Veterans Day, Field Day, the JROTC banquet, etc.
Logistics Officer (S4): In charge of all material, including uniforms, and making sure cadets have the materials and supplies needed for all  events.
Publicity Officer (S5): In charge of making sure all JROTC events are known to the public and making sure we can contact our external sources.
First Sergeant: In charge of the everyday routine in the battalion.

MHS Battalion Staff

In our battalion we have ten leadership positions that are among the most important: these are the Command and Staff of the Giant Battalion. They include: the Battalion Commander (BC), Battalion Executive Officer (XO), Battalion Command Sergeant Major, the S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, Alpha Company 1st Sergeant, and Bravo Company 1st Sergeant.
Giant Battalion Staff and Command:
Battalion Commander: Lieutenant Colonel Elliot
Command Sergeant Major: Command Sergeant Major Rice
Executive Officer: Major Ray
Adjutant Officer (S1):  Cadet Captain Smith
Security Officer (S2): Cadet Second Lieutenant Bibbs
Operations Officer (S3): Cadet Captain Hoffman
Logistics Officer (S4): Cadet Second Lieutenant Montgomory
Publicity Officer (S5): Cadet Second Lieutenant Lewis
Alpha Company 1st Sergeant: Miksch
Bravo Company 1st Sergeant: Piña