Marion students earn top awards at Indiana Thespians State Conference

Marion Community Schools congratulates several of our students who recently earned top awards at the annual Indiana Thespians State Conference.

The students, who are all also enrolled in the CSA Arts Academy, attended the conference with the newly chartered International Thespian Society troupe at the Marion Community School of the Arts. This was the troupe’s first time attending the state conference, and our students made an impressive debut! 

Congratulations to these Marion students, who all earned Superior rankings in the prestigious International Thespian Excellence Awards (Thespys for short), recognizing the highest level of achievement in school theatre performance:

  • Grace Chandler, Marion High School senior, and Elijah Inskeep, MHS junior, Superior in Duet Acting
  • Tallulah Gibson, McCulloch Junior High School 7th-grader, Superior in Duet Musical Theatre (performed with a fellow troupe member who attends school elsewhere, Annalisia Hofmeister)
  • Theo Gipson, MJH 8th-grader, Superior in Solo Acting
  • Adeline Powell, MJH 7th-grader, Superior in Solo Acting
  • Kaylah Spaulding, MHS junior, who earned Superiors in both Solo Acting and Duet Musical Theatre (performed with a fellow troupe member who attends school elsewhere, Zack Marcum)
  • Lillian Weaver, MHS junior, Superior in Solo Musical Theatre

The Thespys competition, presented by Disney Live Entertainment, celebrates the work of theatre students, giving them the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on prepared theatrical material, technical designs, plays, and short films, and recognizing their achievements on local, regional, and international stages. High school students who earn Superior ratings at the state level qualify to compete at the International Thespian Conference.  

In addition to this chance to showcase their talent and skill and receive professional feedback, the state conference also offered students the opportunity to participate in workshops, attend theatre performances by fellow Thespians, and connect with peers from across the state.

The International Thespian Society is the only theatre honor society for middle and high school students in the United States. CSA’s Thespians troupe is made up of qualifying members of the CSA Theatre compANY, a premier training program open to kids around the region, ages 10 to 18. 

CSA Theatre compANY provides students with hands-on experience both on stage and behind the scenes. From performance to theatre production and design, the Theatre compANY program helps students develop the skills and confidence to succeed in all aspects of theatre. In addition to top-tier training, the Theatre compANY stages three to four full-scale productions each season, providing thought-provoking and engaging theatrical experiences that inspire and connect audiences of all ages in our community. For more information about the CSA Theatre compANY, including upcoming auditions, click here

All CSA students in grades 7-12 also have the opportunity to enroll in the CSA Arts Academy program, an exclusive partnership between Marion Community Schools and CSA that provides pre-professional arts training along with the benefits of a traditional public school. Alumni of the CSA Arts Academy, which was established in 2016, have continued their arts training at various well-known post-secondary schools, including The Julliard School, AMDA, UNCSA, Belmont University, Millikin University, and more, including prestigious art programs at Indiana schools including Ball State University, Indiana University, and others. For more information about the CSA Arts Academy program, click here, or call 765-662-6363. (Note: Neither Marion Community Schools enrollment nor Arts Academy enrollment is required for participation in Theatre compANY, or for qualification for CSA’s Thespians troupe.) 
