Be smart. Don't let your phone disrupt your learning!

Attention, families: Make sure your student is aware of our cell phone policy! 

Be smart. Don't let your phone disrupt your learning! Put it away during class!
MCS Policy states that students may possess, but not use, a cellular device during school hours unless directed to do so by a teacher. 
Disruption carries consequences. *
  • 1st Offense: Confiscation of device & parental notification
  • 2nd/3rd Offense: Confiscation of device, parental notification, and Level 2 consequences (see Student Handbook)
  • 4th Offense: Confiscation of device, parental notification, and Level 3 consequences (see Student Handbook)
  • 5th Offense: Confiscation of device, parental notification, and further consequences (see Student Handbook)
* Any student who refuses to surrender an electronic device to a staff member when directed will receive Level 3 consequences. 
Board Policy 5501: Student Cellular Phone / Electronic Device, adopted in 2009 and revised 2012, aligns with recently updated state law (IC 20-26-5-40.7)
NOTE: Individual school buildings may have additional protocols to implement this policy. Please contact your school administration if you have questions about such protocols.